online reiki certification

If you are looking for online, on-demand Reiki certification training, you've come to the right place. Cortney Martinelli, founder of SHINE Reiki Training, has been offering best-in-class in-person Reiki training since 2011. Because of the demand for Cortney's services we have created this online training.
Teru Reiki
Teru meaning brilliance; this lineage is about tapping into the brilliance that resides within each individual. Teru Reiki was developed by Cortney Martinelli. The teachings and training have a foundation based in the traditional Usui lineage, but with a contemporary twist for the modern-day Reiki student. It takes esoteric concepts and offers them in an easily understandable, down-to-earth method. The foundation of this program is based on scientific studies based out of Eastern State University on theories about the personal frequency of the human body. The teachings explore both physical and emotional implications of our personal frequency. This program encourages both students and clients to have a deliberate and consistent personal practice for lasting healing and teaches students how to increase their vibrational set point.
Foundational to this style of Reiki: Energy, vibration, empowerment, intuition, self-study and continual spiritual awakenings.