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A note from Cortney

The future is FREQUENCY! Are you coming?

I finally found it! As an energy healer and teacher of vibration, I have dreamt of finding a device that analyzes your frequency. Over the last ten years, I have investigated many products and have never found one worthy (IMO). Until now!


In my sweet little hands is Healy - a device that not only analyzes your frequency but it ALSO provides frequency support COMPLETELY UNIQUE TO YOU. I can't wait to share it with you!!

Here's the low-down: Our cells are mini-batteries.  A healthy cell ranges between 70 to 90 millivolts. Our cells voltage decreases due to lifestyles. As it drops we begin to see inflammation and disease in the body. When our cells drop within the range of 20 millivolts they can become cancerous.

Healy has 229 programs spanning physical, mental, emotional and spiritual solutions. Such as sleep programs, hormonal programs, fitness, mental health, emotional health, weight, focus, memory, beauty, digital nutrition - and many, many more.

There are many wonderful frequency and light devices on the market, but they require you to go to them. Healy is unlike anything else because it is a personal, wearable frequency device. It gives you 100% sovereignty over your health and well-being.


The truth is, we must continuously put voltage into the system to regulate or offset our lifestyles to create healthy cells. It is not a one, two or three time event. One doctor said, “For every year you’ve had a specific issue it can take a month to clear with regular use." 


Struggle is so normalized, we don't expect to feel good, but we can! I look for the day when every has a Healy in their hands and leaves unnecessary suffering behind!

xo Cortney

Cortney's favorite 9-minute video on Healy.

Current Promotions.

Link to Purchase Healy

“If you want to find the secrets to the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nicole Tesla

What is Healy

Healy was founded in Germany in 2021, yes indeed, this is a leading-edge piece of equipment. Since then, it has been introduced to the United States and made it's way into 44 different countries (and counting). In ten years everyone will have a frequency device in their homes.

The Healy is a small, wearable frequency technology device that analyzes your field in real time, then delivers the most resonating frequency program that will bring your mind & body back into coherence. Healy is the only frequency device that contains a patented resonance sensor. This enables it to connect to the information field (aka collective consciousness/akasha) and then send the appropriate frequencies into your bio-energetic field that are a match to what your body needs in this exact moment.


The recommended frequency programs will start to unwind what is not in harmony with your design. We apply the frequency programs via the small but mighty, lightweight device. ⚡️Healy delivers frequency through micro current or scalar waves without the need for harmful EMF. It is a non-invasive, drug-free, pain-free and surgery-free therapy beginning to revolutionize holistic health sovereignty.


The Healy has over 229 unique programs, an aura photography & chakra analysis, a personal coach module that can pick up subconscious blocks and realign your thoughts into a desired state that matches your goals so you amplify your manifestations! It’s where science meets spirituality, with Tesla inspired technology.

Healy has been cleared by the FDA for the relief of acute and chronic pain and has thousands of satisfied users around the globe. A team of experienced developers and engineers ensures the high standard of the Healy product. Healy is produced in Germany, where it meets or exceeds all the necessary quality and safety regulations.

(Click here for current promotions)

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."

Albert Einstein

Healy: 60-second teaser video

Healy: 6-minute intro video

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“Spirituality without science is boring, and science without spirituality is dangerous."
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