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The forest is the healer - the practice opens the door

Shinrin yoku

forest bathing

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When one hears forest bathing, the first visual that might come to mind is one swimming in water. Although, a good forest bathing location includes water, it usually does not include swimming in water. The concept of “bathing” comes from the idea that the air in the forest is like an ocean where one completely immerses themselves. Although the term forest bathing is a relatively new term, coined in 1982 by Tomohide Akiyama, this practice – also known as Shinrin Yoku – is an ancient Japanese practice. One that has many health benefits when practiced regularly.


our offering

The forest is the healer - the practice opens the door

Learn and prepare for your experience with a quick overview of what forest therapy is all about

Be guided on a 3 hour experience ending with a tea ceremony and sharing circle

Each practice ends with a closing practice to further enhance the experience and close out the forest bathe

what it is and not

It's not a hike

Another misconception about forest bathing is that you are going on a hike through the wilderness, which also is not the case. The pace of forest bathing is much, much slower and much more relaxed.  In fact, at times, you will be asked to sit in the same spot for 15 or 20 minutes, or even longer. The distance is also very different than a hike – most forest bathing experiences include walking ½ a mile or less.

It's not an intellectual endeavor

Although there is much to learn in the forest, scientific facts about nature is not the point, in fact just the opposite is true. During Shinrin Yoku, you immerse your senses in the special characteristics of the forest. The forest will invite you to receive sounds, sights and energies. Speaking of energies, being with and a part of nature has many health benefits (seen here).


Reciprocity is one of the most important aspects to understand about forest bathing. Its not about “taking” from the forest for our healing; its about starting a relationship and a connection to all living things through continual inquiry. These inquires are referred to as invitations in Shinrin Yoku (some examples here).


Cortney Martinelli

150 hour Certified Shinrin Yoku Guide

Cortney completed her online training from the Centre of Excellence in 2020. Cortney incorporates her extensive Reiki background into the teachings of Shinrin Yoku as she guides practitioners to playfully, joyfully and mindfully explore nature with the continual inquiry that is at the foundation of this ancient practice. After Cortney purchased her Education + Retreat center on a magical piece of land, she was called to study and then teach Forest Bathing so that she could share this magical place with others on a deeper, more profound level.

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Shinrin Yoku Handout Front (invitations)
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