Animal Reiki is a special adaptation to the traditional Reiki practice specifically for pets and other animals. It can offer pain and stress reduction techniques, with both a heart-centered and hands-on approach. Target audience for this course: Certification is designed for those who have animal companions, those who care for animals, those who work or volunteer with animals such as but not limited to veterinarian, shelters, groomers, animal trainers etc. Prerequisites for the course: Students must have completed a minimum of Reiki Level One training. It is also very beneficial to have Reiki Level Two, but that is not a requirement. This certification class will give you the ability to take a more active role in animal health and well-being and strengthen your relationship to the animal companions in your life. Key topics: Reiki overview Understand animal Reiki and how it is different from working with our human friends Steps to an Animal Reiki session Specifics for dogs, cats, horses and dying animals Work with animal chakras and how to test them prior to a session for guidance Understand and work with guardian relationships Special stone to be used during animal Reiki sessions Learn about a special animal Reiki symbol Attunement to this animal Reiki symbol
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