accepting authors

This book will publish Q4 2023 - Accepting authors while spots are available.
only 0 spots left
This is for you if:
You have a story to share…
But you need help articulating it
You want your story to have a global reach…
But you aren’t sure how to get there
You want to see your story in writing…
But you don’t know where to start or feel overwhelmed with the process
You had an epiphany that changed everything in your life…
And others would benefit greatly from what you’ve learned
You want to build your business or grow your community…
And are looking for ways to connect with others
You want to become a published author...
See your name on the cover of a book!
Earn royalties from the sale of your book!
Why work with us?
Cortney has been sharing her epiphany and empowering others to do the same for over a decade. She has published 15+ books and loves helping others do the same. Your epiphany can be the path to others finding their truth! Join Cortney and 11+ others...
Click here for an example of our last collaborative book
That’s right - together – 9 unique individuals will co-author a book with the goal of – sharing our stories, empowering others, building our business and community.

Tier 1 – co-author $597
Become a published author
Up to 2 meetings/consultations to help with:
articulating your story
creating your unique chapter
Copy-editing and proofreading
Bio page with your contact information
Personalized marketing assets
Framework to promote you and our book
Book launch opportunities
Discounted author copies at $8/copy
Please note: If you select this tier you do not earn money off of the sales in Amazon. If you would like your own "version" of the book and the opportunity to earn money off of the sales of your version in Amazon, then select Tier 2.​

Tier 2 – cover author $1057
Become a published author
Up to 2 meetings/consultations to help with:
articulating your story
creating your unique chapter
Copy-editing and proofreading
Bio page with your contact information
Personalized marketing assets
Framework to promote you and your book
Book launch opportunities
Discounted author copies (unlimited)
Listed as the author on front cover
Book cover with your picture
Back cover with your bio
Your name listed as the author in Amazon
You earn money from the sale of your book in Amazon
still on the fence
There are many reasons to write a book, here are three big reasons to consider this opportunity.
Share your story:
Sharing your story with the world can be therapeutic, freeing, and healing. Not to mention, in doing so, you can be of service to others. Ultimately, as you shine your light, you inspire and empower others to do the same. Everyone has a story. Everyone. But most aren’t sure how to tell it. We will help draw that story out of you. Help you craft your chapter. If you’ve never told your story before, this could be the most profound aspect of this experience for you.
Become a published author:
In working with clients and students, I see, hear and feel the desire from many to become an author. However, it can be overwhelming and expensive. I remember when I self-published my first book, there was a big learning curve. I always say - writing the book was the easy part. And now, 15 (and counting) self-published books later, I have the knowledge and experience to help others do the same. Writing a chapter in a collaborative book, is just the start for many. I can’t wait to see where this one chapter takes you!
Marketing for you + your business:
Maybe you already have your story crafted and this adventure is more about marketing you and your already established business. After each chapter, you will get your own special bio page where you can share your business and contact information with the world. There will be 11+ other amazing authors with diverse stories and backgrounds sharing this book. In doing so, it gives you exposure to thousands of people. We see the interconnectedness time and time again and love watching the synchronicities unfold.
*Our latest book was featured in Energy Magazine's must have 2022 Holiday Gift Guide, which reached tens-of-thousands of people worldwide.*Featured in Energy Magazine's must-have 2022 Holiday Gift Guide
There is a light that only you can shine. Your light is unique and vital to the illumination of humanity. Together our lights will brighten the path for others. We do together what we could never do alone.
This book will publish by Q4 2023 - Accepting authors while spots are still available
let's do this, shall we?